Sunday, June 22, 2014

Pool underground utilities

Things have slowed a little over the past couple of weeks. Rain has been an issue, making me wait several days before it's dry enough to walk around out there. I was able to trench for all of the underground utilities and drainage pipes. Not without a small hiccup in the form of cutting into the tops of a couple of septic lines that feed into my absorption chambers. It turned out to be an easy fix, lucky for me. 

After digging all the trenches I had to lay all the drainage pipes and dig down about six feet to tie them into the perimeter drain for the absorption field. This was accomplished with the help of the same excavator that was used to dig the pool hole. I then ran all the conduit for various electrical devices like the automatic cover and pool light. I ran conduit for a couple of future locations like a mini-barn and landscape lighting as well. 

We wanted a couple of new locations to get water for cleaning around the pool, watering plants, etc.  So I ran two water lines through the basement wall below the frost line. One going to the pool equipment pad and the other going to an area where we eventually want to put in a raised bed garden. 

So there hasn't been much progress in the pool itself, just boring underground utilities. They may be boring to most, but I'm fascinated by the idea of putting water and electricity exactly where we need it. And it's much easier doing it now than after all the backfill and concrete are put in. 

1 comment:

  1. I ran conduit for a couple of future locations like a mini-barn and landscape lighting as well. pool plastering nj
