Thursday, August 15, 2013


So I've gotten some requests to post pictures of the house since we moved in from people who have not been able to come over yet. So here you go, I'll post some more, these were just what I currently have on my phone. 

Sunset from the front porch

Some of the landscaping around the front porch

Moving stones into the landscaping
A little table I built to hold coffee cups
Our hummingbird plaque by the front door, awaiting address numbers

One rainy day...

A sign I made for the kitchen

Chandelier I installed over the tub in the master bath. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2013

All Cleaned Up

Here's some pictures of our new home all cleaned up. A crew worked all day cleaning, vacuuming, and power washing the house yesterday. The rest of this week, will be for touch ups and punch list items. Otherwise, the house is done, with the exception of the rough grade on the yard and exterior paint.

Yesterday, the building inspector did the final inspection and signed the certificate of occupancy. Therefore, we can start moving non-essential items into the house as long as we don't get in the way of the guys doing the touch-ups. We are planning on doing the big move on Wednesday next week. We don't have a closing date yet, that needs to be scheduled by the builder. So if they want to get paid they will schedule it soon, I would think.

Monday, March 18, 2013

Driveway Poured and Inside Finishes

On Friday, the concrete for the driveway and paths was poured. It looks really good, the driveway is much higher than I expected. However, I'm really happy with the height, there's just a slight pitch away from the garage doors, which is what I hoped for. The front path has some nice curves in it which makes for an interesting stroll to the front door. Inside, the painters put a final coat on all of the walls and trim. The tile was grouted and the bathroom accessories (TP holders, towel bars, etc.) were installed. They are the same series as the plumbing fixtures, so there is a nice continuity between them.

Sunday, March 10, 2013

Carpet Installed and Driveway Formed up

Well, we didn't get a driveway on Friday, but they did get it formed and expect to pour concrete on Monday, weather permitting. The carpet turned out really nice. It's so nice and cozy now, instead of loud and dirty. The tile is officially all installed and should be grouted the next couple days.

I wanted to give a huge thanks to our neighbors, Jim and Jamie for the times when we needed someone to watch the kids while we met with contractors. You guys are AWESOME!!!

Thursday, March 7, 2013

More Tile and Carpet

Kind of surprised to see carpet going in today, considering there's no way to get into the house without crossing a mud-pit. We might get a driveway poured tomorrow, so that should take care of the mud... We'll see.