Monday, December 24, 2012

Trim Paint

The dark gray siding is all up now. They still have some vertical board and batten siding to put up in the gables. The weather hasn't cooperated to allow that to happen. The weather has caused other delays as well, there is about two squares of roofing missing thanks to the wind. Unfortunately, this is going to keep happening until the shingles get some warm weather.
Otherwise, inside work has continued. The painters have been busy filling nail holes and caulking all of the joints in the trim. Today they started spraying primer on all of the trim and inside of the windows.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

Lovin the Trim

As expected, this week has been productive.  The carpenters have been busy with the interior trim and cabinets.  A good portion of the trim is up and the cabinets have been hung.  The siding is going up steadily and the masons started yesterday but ran out of stone.  The stone they had only covers about HALF of the areas that get it.  So there will be a little delay there.  Otherwise things are looking really good, we couldn't be happier with the trim, it's looking great.

Monday, December 10, 2012

Cabinets, Interior Trim and Siding

The cabinets, trim materials, interior doors and siding were delivered late last week. This weekend they primed the walls and finished painting the ceiling. Today the trim carpenters unboxed the cabinets and set them in the appropriate rooms. They also started hanging doors. Meanwhile, another crew started installing siding. It's going to be a productive week.

Thursday, December 6, 2012

Drywall Finished

They textured the ceilings and painted them the last couple of days. Turned out real nice, they did a real subtle texture that doesn't have the little spikes hanging from the ceiling. Next best thing to smooth ceilings. The siding was delivered for the third time. The big difference being they delivered the right color this time.

Sunday, December 2, 2012

Drywall finishing

The drywall is coming along nicely. The furnace was installed so the house could be warm for the drywall mud to dry. The insulation was blown into the attic and the water was connected and turned on from the well. The exterior stone was delivered, which makes me wonder if the shake siding will ever get here. It was delivered once already, about three weeks ago, but it was the wrong color. It will be nice to get the house completely closed up, now that the drywall is in.