Wednesday, September 19, 2012

Slabs Poured, Foundation Backfilled and Lumber Delivered

It was a slow week last week.  There wasn't much going on other than a stone-slinger running back and forth delivering around 20 loads of pea gravel to fill the garage and porch areas.  But once they finished, the concrete crew went to work on Tuesday, September 18th to pour the basement and garage floors.  They were delayed for a couple of hours due to the water in the basement that required pumping.  They finished their job around 4pm and as soon as they were done the excavator came and backfilled the foundation walls.  This morning Finley and I stopped by just in time to see the first lumber order being delivered.  Our builder says they will start framing tomorrow, September 20th, giving the slabs a couple of days to cure.

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