Thursday, August 30, 2012

Basement Walls Being Formed

I talked to one of the guys who were forming the foundation walls, I was wondering if they would get the basement walls poured before the weekend.  On this weekend (Labor Day weekend) we are expecting a large amount of rain from the remnants of hurricane Isaac.  The guy told me it would be close, but after seeing these guys kick butt at setting the forms for the basement walls, I'm thinking they just might get it done.

Monday, August 27, 2012

Excavation Complete

The excavation was completed in one day, August 25th and here is how it looked the next morning.  It's pretty HUGE!!!  But of course it's dug larger than the basement itself to allow room to form the basement walls and such.  The excavator did a fine job, very accurate.


Saturday, August 25, 2012

Here we go!!!

After about 2 months of waiting for the VA Administration to approve us for a loan and for the bank to underwrite the loan, we are finally here.  The ground has been broken!!!  Unfortunately I had to work on this day, but Lisa was able to drive by and get a few pictures to at least confirm that they had started digging.